In May this year, Softworks were delighted to welcome Dr Eddie Murphy as a guest speaker to our annual customer summit. Dr. Eddie, Clinical Psychologist, Author and Mental Health Advocate who many of us know from the RTE TV Show, Operation Transformation gave an extremely engaging and enjoyable talk on Building Resilience and Mental Fitness. We caught up with Dr. Eddie this week and asked him to share his thoughts on how we can take care of our mental health and well-being this winter. He prescribes psychological vitamins!

Let’s take the example of overeating, and a desire to become physically healthier.
Start with Vitamin Commitment
This is about making a personal commitment to yourself for a healthier future. Write down specifically what this healthier journey means to you and your loved ones. Sign the bottom of this. In effect, you have written a contract to yourself and your loved ones.
Vitamin Time
Take Vitamin Time when you eat, slow down! Most people eat too fast. A major learning point is “What gets measured, gets done”. So become a scientist and log how long it takes to eat your meals. Then increase this time. So if you take 5 minutes to eat breakfast, increase it to 10 minutes, if it takes 15 minutes to eat lunch, increase it to 25 minutes etc. Put down your fork or spoon between mouthfuls.
Vitamin Awareness
Is about being present that is bringing your attention to what you are doing at any given time. Too often we eat in a mindless way in front of the telly, in front of our computers etc. When we are unaware and mindless we are disconnected from the healthy messages our body gives us “You are full”. Missing these messages leads to overeating. By taking Vitamin Awareness you are aware of your food, its smell, its temperature, and the colours, enjoy being aware.
Vitamin Pleasure
Healthier lifestyles for life require Pleasure. Deprivation diets are unsustainable it’s inevitable that in time we will act like a rebellious children. Too often food is singularly identified as pleasurable. List the pleasures in all aspects of your life – people, music, movies, studying, singing, walking, swimming, dancing, gardening, talking, pets, etc. Are you getting enough pleasure in your life? Now take Vitamin Pleasure and go on a pleasure diet. Enjoy these activities and when it comes to food don’t eat anything that drains your pleasure.
Vitamin Determination
Is about keeping going even when times get tough. Read your letter from your future self. Remind yourself that this is a new pathway in life, not a sprint race. If you slip, it’s OK, refocus and do one simple step to put you back on your pathway.
Vitamins Hope & Future
Vitamins F&H are powerful energisers in our journey towards health and well-being. Vitamins Hope & Future act as powerful magnets that pull us towards our healthier lifestyle. Foster hope, imagine yourself in the future while you work rest and play. Imagine your energy levels and the quality of your relationships. Imagine. Seize the feeling that goes with this imagining. Use this feeling to help you through those times of struggle
Other vitamins you might like to try!
Please select at least five from the list below every day. Psychological vitamins can be taken liberally!
Connect. Connect with family, friends and your community.
For more from Dr. Eddie visit –