Employee Self-Service software sometimes called ESS allows employees to record their working time, check work schedules, request leave, view Flexitime and leave balances and update personal information on desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet.
Employee Self-Service has been proven to help businesses reduce administrative work related to employee management, provide immediate access to up-to-date accurate information, facilitate flexible working and improve employee satisfaction.

Here are 5 ways Employee Self-Service software improves workforce management in your organisation.
1. Reducing administration
With minimal training on employee self-service, employees can access personal information, view details on balances and schedules and submit leave requests. The ability to access this information reduces the number of queries to HR and line managers freeing them up to concentrate on more strategic activities. Managers receive an email notification when employees request annual leave and can approve leave requests directly through email improving response times and reducing administrative work.
2. Increasing data accuracy
Moving away from tracking working time and absences through emails and spreadsheets dramatically improves accuracy and accountability. Because the information in the Employee Self-Service App links directly to your core Workforce Management Software. Both the employer and the employee have accurate information to hand. There’s no need to dig through emails, spreadsheets or reports to find the information you need.
3. Providing immediate access to information
With Employee Self-Service software, employees can easily manage their own time and personal details giving them more control over their working lives. Employees benefit from one central hub for everything – no more waiting for line managers, HR or Payroll departments to respond to queries.
4. Enabling flexible working
Employee Self-Service is perfect for organisations that have flexible or remote working policies in place as employees can view flexitime balances and clock to record working hours while working remotely simply by using their laptop or smartphone.
5. Improving employee satisfaction
Giving employees easy and immediate access to their information such as schedules and leave and flexitime balances gives them more control over their working lives and this in turn creates a culture of motivated and empowered employees.
For more information on Employee Self-Service, download our brochure here or get in touch to schedule a Demo.