Like to know more about our Workforce Management Solutions? Have a look at our FAQs.
Frequently Asked Questions

Does your system integrate with our existing payroll system?
We integrate with all leading Payroll, ERP and HR solutions including the following

Can we extend our capacity on your system if we get more employees?
Yes, our system can grow with you and support as many new employees as you wish.
If we have facilities in other countries, will you support it?
Yes, even if your workforce is worldwide. Our system can support your organisation.
How do you help us migrate our current information to your new system?
Our project team work hand in hand with you to do this.
Does your solution support workforces with over 500 employees?
Yes, our system can support enterprises with any number of employees. We currently work with a number of organisations that have thousands of employees including hospitals, retail chains, global manufacturers and public sector service providers.
Is your solution capable of giving us administration capabilities?
Yes, we can give you full administration capabilities. Our system can also grant the ability to set various levels of permissions for its users.
Can it handle multiple working rotas?
Yes, we can manage rota across your entire organisation with different rotas based on job functions, skills, departments, teams and location.
Does your system take public holidays and other custom company -based holidays into account?
Our system allows you to input any specific holidays you wish to include. This includes public holidays and also specific holidays exclusive to your company and geography.
Does your system record expenses such as car mileage, transport costs, subsistence and accommodation?
Our system is capable of recording any expenses including travel, meal, mileage and project expenses.
Does your system store and keep records of scanned images of receipts linked to expenses claims?
Yes, we can also generate reports with all of the billable and non-billable expenses employees record.
Can you record flexible working and leave entitlements?
Yes, our system records employee time, attendance, absences, flexible working, remote working, holidays and planned & unplanned leave.
How can an employee request leave with our system?
An employee can request leave by either using the desktop version of Softworks or they can request leave via the Softworks employee self-service (ESS) app. Once the employee requests their leave, an alert will be sent to their manager to approve or disapprove.
Do you provide training for your system?
Yes, all training is provided and we also offer a “Train the Trainer” process where we will train selected staff within your organisation to train other employees.
Is the training on-site?
Our training can be based around the organisation’s needs.
How does paying for user licences work?
Licence prices are on a per user basis which can be renewed annually.
Does your system cover non-permanent staff?
Yes, our system can cover any worker regardless of their employee contract type.
Can you record absence types?
Yes, users can log various different recordable absence types such as certified and uncertified sick leave, business absences, study leave, training leave, parental leave & more.
Can you track expenses by user or team?
Our system can track expenses by users, teams and even projects.
Can we have bespoke reports created?
Yes, we can track data and create reports based on specific needs for your organisation.
Which report file formats do you support?
Our supported report formats are .xls, .xlsx (or later) and .csv
How is security managed?
Our security is managed in compliance of the ISO27001 Certification.
Is your solution GDPR compliant?
Yes, we take Data protection laws very seriously.
How is data archived to ensure compliance?
Our data is archived in compliance with all EU data protection laws and GDPR.
How do manager alerts work?
Manager alerts are triggered when an employee requests leave, books a holiday and so on. The alerts go to the managers email inbox, which they can choose to approve or disapprove.
How easy is approving/disapproving employee leave?
When an employee books their leave through the system. The manager can approve the leave from the emails Approve/Disapprove button in the bottom left of the email.
How will the employee know if their leave is approved or not?
Once this leave is approved, the employee will receive a notification. The system’s additional modules will then be notified of the approval in all necessary capacities i.e. Rostering, Payroll, Leave balances etc. This information will be up to date within 60 seconds of the leave approval.
Can you monitor unplanned absences and reasons for non-attendance?
As part of our system, there is a main Action Manager Screen available to each manager. This screen displays all triggers that have occurred that contravene your business policies.
Does your system cater for different work patterns such as part time, flexible working, and parental leave?
Our system has a rostering tool that will be configured to your specific needs in the rostering space. This includes setting up all of your shifts, detailing the break allowance, payroll coding etc. in the background.
Does your system make it possible to bulk upload historical data where required?
We provide a tailored configuration pack at the outset. This will allow your organisation to upload as many years of historical data as you wish. This includes historical files in multiple formats and historical rosters to ensure fairness and continuity. When we are configuring the system to your specifications, we bring your system in line with your organisation as it exists today, and we will also ensure there is historical information as far back as you wish.
Can we Track and implement time-in-lieu where applicable?
Softworks standard functionality ensures that multi varied time and attendance rules can be regarded for each individual employee. Behind each employee sits multiple policies relating to TILE calculations, parameters and restrictions.
Can we track and implement overtime rules?
Yes, we can track and implement your overtime rules. Furthermore, you can run overtime reports to evaluate the reasons for overtime e.g. busy period of the year, absenteeism etc.
Do you allow for a diary of future dated events?
All future dated requirements can be accommodated by Softworks Alerter system. Standard Softworks functionality ensures any information in the system that has a time sensitivity can be alerted to the correct people in the business as far ahead of time as they wish.
Can we change the look and feel of the self-service solution?
Yes, and your employees using the app can change the look and feel of their app by selecting the theme, language, date format, tile view and order of tiles that they like best!
Countrywide Staff/Business directory feature available?
Yes, we will provide all staff with access to a staff status panel. This panel can be tailored to show only the information you require.
Do you allow for sub category functionality?
Yes, the level of granulation in each task category is yours to choose as an organisation. You can also add additional layers to the categorisation now and in the future.
Do you have the functionality to enter time at both managerial and basic user level?
Yes, user profiles can be set to allow both managers and employees to input data. This can be locked down to any level/timeframe your organisation wishes.
Do you offer a budget functionality within your solution?
Yes, you can set budgets and cost out rosters/schedules and compare them to forecasted revenue and payroll costs.
Will your system be compatible with RFID clocking/ID badge we currently use?
Yes, we can collect data from a variety of sources including magnetic stripe, proximity, biometric or smart card readers, smartphone, computerised timesheets and PC/web login/out facilities.
Do your data centres reside within the EU?
Yes – Softworks store and process all data provided by clients within the European Economic Area (EEA).
Does your employee self-service app support all mobile phone operation systems?
Yes, the Softworks app is available on IOS, Android and Windows.
Does your system provide geofencing/geo-recording of recorded user logins?
Yes, once a user clocks in, if the GPS location of where they clocked in can be recorded.
Who manages the implementation of your solution?
Our project managers, development team and trainers are all involved in the implementation of our solution.
Is this SaaS or on premise?
We offer both solutions depending on your requirements.
What We Do – The Softworks Story…
From Time and Attendance Tracking to a complete Workforce Management Solution…